Self-Guidance Counseling

About Self-Guidance Counseling

Self-Guidance Counseling is an action-based approach to wellbeing that uses coaching psychology to help individuals of all ages improve their mental, physical, and emotional health.

Self-Guidance Counseling takes a 'whole-person' approach, looking to address the full range of cognitive, physical, and emotional needs a person will experience during their lifetime.


The most important part of coaching is the coaching relationship itself. My first priority when working with anyone is to establish a foundation of mutual trust, support, and understanding. 

We’ll discuss your interests, strengths, and values to identify at least one thing that you want to work on together.

We’ll determine relevant activities in your life that you’re ready, willing, and able to practice. We will then set goals for where you would like to be in 3-6 months.

Alternating between deliberate practice and collaborative reflection, we’ll continue to create daily, weekly, and monthly goals. As time goes on, we’ll build a structure of accountability and support that helps you achieve your long-term goals.


Do you want to focus on?


Is it important to you?


Does it relate to your wellbeing?

Guiding Principles

At its heart, coaching is about forming a positive relationship with a client, and using that relationship to support the client's wellbeing. Because everyone is so different, it is important that I avoid overemphasizing any single approach, technique, or system. Instead, I follow a set of guiding principles, outlined below.

When doing something to improve your wellbeing, anything is always better than nothing. No step is too small to take. Every little bit matters.

‘How’ you do something is more important than ‘what’ you do. How you do anything today affects how you’ll do everything tomorrow.

The more you do something the easier it gets and the more likely you are to do it again. Practice the things you want to be good at; avoid practicing the things you don’t.

The value of anything is how much time and energy you are willing to spend on it. Spend wisely, because there are no refunds.

Wellness requires you to maintain a positive alignment between what you think, do, and feel. Only by balancing the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional aspects of your life will you be able to find true wellbeing

More Information

Wellness Coaching Overview

Working together

One can have no lesser or greater mastery than mastery of one’s self.

Leonardo Da Vinci

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